“I find that Karen possesses an enduring passion for the practice of physical therapy. She is a front-line, seek-to-improve therapist who looks for opportunities to optimize patient care, and seems ever ready to raise the bar with new and innovative treatment techniques wherever she perceives a potential benefit to patients.”
– Rehabilitation Program Manager, Valley Health System, Winchester, Virginia
“Karen’s pride in her profession is demonstrated by her dedication to the job she does. She is thorough, thoughtful, efficient, and respected by both patients and colleagues.”
-Director of Outpatient Programs, University of Virginia-Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital, Charlottesville, VA
“Karen’s friendly demeanor, professionalism, attention to detail, and exceptional skill set has helped our team grow. She will be leaving Miles with a new orthotic program and has been instrumental in getting the team trained and experienced in this area prior to her departure.”
-Director of Wellness and Rehabilitation, Miles Memorial Hospital, Damariscotta, ME
“She is a dedicated professional with an amazing ability to evaluate and treat an individual as a whole, not just as a diagnosis.”
-President, Body Elite Physical Therapy, Winchester VA
“Thank you for the great detailed exam! Most thorough evaluation I have received.”
–Foot and Ankle Associates of Maine
“We appreciate and applaud your wonderful work here at Whole Health Sprint Reston. Thank you so much for all that you do to support our incredible team.” – Medical Director Sprint Reston, Reston Virginia.